Saturday, July 06, 2013

যে পথে পথিক নেই..বসে আছি সেই পথে.......

যে পথে পথিক নেই......

বসে আছি সেই পথে.........

একা আমি একলা রাতে.........

love or not
সারা রাত জেগে জেগে......

কাগজের শরীর কেটে........

সাজিয়েছি উত্তর আমি.......

করেছিলে প্রশ্ন তুমি.......

এভাবেই শুরু হল-আমাদের ভালবাসার পটভুমি.............________/////

Cox's Bazar

Cox's Bazar is a town, a fishing port and district headquarters in Bangladesh. It is known for its wide sandy beach which, believed to be the world's longest natural sandy sea beach. It is an unbroken 125 km sandy sea beach with a gentle slope. It is located 150 km south of Chittagong. Cox’s Bazar is also known by the name "Panowa", the literal translation of which means "yellow flower". Its other old name was "Palongkee". The modern Cox's Bazar derives its name from Captain Cox (died 1799), an officer serving in British India. In the 18th century, an officer of British East India Company, Captain Hiram Cox was appointed as the Superintendent of Palongkee outpost after Warren Hastings became the Governor of Bengal. Captain Cox was specially mobilised to deal with a century long conflict between Arakan refugees and local Rakhains. The Captain was a compassionate soul and the plight of the people touched his heart. He embarked upon the mammoth task of rehabilitating refugees in the area, and made significant progress. A premature death took Captain Cox in 1799 before he could finish his work. But the work he had done earned him a place in the hearts of the locals and to commemorate his role in rehabilitation work a market was established and named after him as Cox's Bazaar ("Cox's Market"). Although Cox's Bazar is one of the most visited tourist destinations in Bangladesh, it has yet to become a major international tourist destination, due to lack of publicity.

Miss u dost

Only for Girls...........Cool Nail Design

Here is a very simple example of a cool nail art – First, coat your nails with a neutral shade or white nail polish. Then take two nail colors such as light blue and navy blue. Pour out a bit of both nail colors on a palette. Now take a thin brush and slightly merge both the colors together. This will produce beautiful three tones of nail colors. Now take a small sponge and dab all three shades of nail color onto the sponge and press the sponge on your nail. Be sure to take a good amount of nail color so that all three colors are vividly portrayed on the nail. The graduating tints from light to dark or vice versa make a beautiful impression. Repeat the steps for all nails. It is advisable not to take out too much nail color all at once, as it dries quickly.


Blue Shade And Cup Cake Nails

Dark Viscious Black On Toe

Deep Blue Nail

Nail Art Design

Nail Art With Red Stripes And Gems

email — knowing the recipient or recipient type

If you've ever struggled to convey a lot of information in an email — knowing the recipient or recipient type (hint: client) doesn't read, but skims content — and did not receive any response, then the article I just read in Fast Company is for you.
Titled, "How to Write a Convincing E-mail," the article highlights 6 key points that when followed, result in effective emails that will actually get read. My own perspective is that your emails are an extension of your brand and if they are concise, clear and action-oriented, your prospects, clients and colleagues will respond more frequently and hold you in higher esteem. I encourage you to read the full article as it provides great examples of poorly crafted emails and then the same messages written effectively. Following are article highlights. When composing an email:
1. Have a specific decision in mind.What is the outcome you desire?
2. Start by writing your conclusion.As opposed to the way in which you compose an essay with and Introduction, supporting text and a conclusion, go for the conclusion and work backwards to support it.
3. Structure your supporting argument into digestable chunks.Use bulleted copy where possible or two sentence paragraphs if content is not listable.
4. Bolster each argument with evidence.
Opinions hold little sway. You're seeking action. Make it easy to respond by using facts.
5. Repeat your conclusion as a "call-to-action."
At the end, repeat the conclusion you began with and invite a next step.
6. Stick a benefit in the subject line
I found myself analyzing my own emails and certain points immediately resonated. Point #6, I put in the "last but not least" category. Composing a subject line is analagous to crafting a great tagline in that it successfully distills a theme down to just a few words, which can express facts and intention with clarity of purpose.
Which points do you find most helpful?

চিৎকার করে বলি, ভালবাসি ভালবাসি ভালবাসি…

কখনো কখনো ভালবাসতে খুব ভাল লাগে…
কেউ একজনকে ভাবতে খুব ভাল লাগে…
যখন ভালবাসার মানুষটাও ভালবাসে,
তখন ইচ্ছে করে, মন খারাপের
ছুটি দিয়ে দিই_____
কাউকে সারাদিন ভালবাসি,
আর চিৎকার করে বলি,
ভালবাসি ভালবাসি ভালবাসি…

যখন আপনি কষ্টে থাকবেন

ছেলেদের জীবনে মেয়ে বন্ধুর কেন
১.সে আপনাকে একা থাকতে দেবে না যখন
আপনি কষ্টে থাকবেন
২.আপনার খারাপ অভ্যাসগুলো পরিবর্তন
করার জন্য সে প্রতিনিয়ত বলবে
৩.সে আপনার সাথে ছোট ছোট বিষয়
নিয়ে রাগ করবে কিন্তু রাগ
দীর্ঘস্থায়ী হবে না
৪.সে দিনে আপনাকে ১৫ বার কল
দেবে আপনি কি করেন তা জানার জন্য
৫.আপনাকে Money Wise করবে
৬.আপনাকে বলবে Don't Worryযদিও
দুশ্চিন্২ করার অনেক কারন থাকে
>-আপনার কাছে হয়ত এগুলো Boring
লাগবে কিন্তু
আপনি তাকে ছাড়া একদিনও থাকতে পারবে
না! মেয়েরা আল্লাহর দেয়া SPECIAL GIFT

love you

I love you more than i can say.
I'll love you twice as much tomorrow.
Love you more than i can say.
I miss you every single day.
Why must my life be filled with sorrow.
I love you more than i can say.
Ah, don't you know i need you so,
oh, tell me please
i gotta know
do you mean to make me cry
am i just another guy.


ছেলেবেলার দিন ফেলে এসে
সবাই আমার মতো বড় হয়ে যায়
জানি না কজনে আমার মতো
মিষ্টি সে পিছুডাক শুনতে যে পায়......:-(

Love is all

Love is not just
about finding
the Right person,
But creating
Right Relationship,
It's not about
how much
love you have
in the begining,
But how much
love you built...............................................................

আমি শেষ

আমি শেষ...কান দিয়া ধুয়া বাইর হইতাসে...টানা ৩ ঘন্টা ফোনে কথা.........